Finnish Civil War (Paper Wars #84) has arrived.

Katalog 1

Cover by Knut Grunitz.

Today in the mail I got my subscriber copy of Paper Wars #84, containing Finnish Civil War.

Excellent map and counter art by Knut Grunitz, who put both together very quickly and effectively. Very pleased! I hope you will like this one.

Unfortunately, due to a layout oversight only the first half of the historical article I wrote on the War was printed in the magazine! The whole article will be uploaded to the Compass Games website or you can get a copy here:


About brtrain
This blog is mostly devoted to posts, work and resources on "serious" conflict simulation games.

3 Responses to Finnish Civil War (Paper Wars #84) has arrived.

  1. alsandor says:

    Regarding the issue with the article you wrote, I had a similar one with issue 79. By the time we were ready to go to press on Thunderbirds at War, there was no room to include the bibliography, the factoids section and the Designer’s Notes. I posted them in the BGG area for the game and soon added a short erratum and an FAQ to elaborate on issues we were not able to change in the rules because of the aforementioned lack of space.

  2. Pingback: Finnish Civil War Ludography | brtrain

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