Third Lebanon War: 2024 scenario

3LW cover

Though there is still considerable fighting going on throughout Gaza, it appears that the Israeli Defense Forces may be preparing (or at least have been planning and presumably modelling) a large scale incursion into southern Lebanon to destroy Hezbollah. For example:

What a War Between Israel and Hezbollah Might Look Like

Therefore, in that spirit of game-based journalism I often invoke, I have written a rough 2024 scenario for Third Lebanon War, bearing in mind that Hezbollah is much stronger than it was in the 2010s. Feel free to alter its parameters as you interpret the situation while it unfolds.

Go to the Free Games! page, scroll down to almost the bottom, and download the files for Third Lebanon War with the new scenario guide.

If you have already downloaded this game, you will want to also get the 3 November 2023 rules, charts and Cascading Effects table as these have had some changes and clarifications added.

I will also be making a very limited number of physical copies of this game available for sale, probably fewer than 10. They feature a very nice map printed on heavy paper with art by Ilya Kudriashov, and two full-sheet stickers of counters for you to mount yourself (again, with Ilya’s artwork). Contact me by email if you would like to buy one of these: price is $25 US funds (via Paypal), which includes postage to anywhere on this planet.

About brtrain
This blog is mostly devoted to posts, work and resources on "serious" conflict simulation games.

2 Responses to Third Lebanon War: 2024 scenario

  1. davidredpath42 says:

    Anywhere on this planet! Good one.

    I am at the MORS symposium at the moment, some very interesting stuff, Mike Garrambone sends his regards


    David Redpath
    BI-5 Inc
    +1 514 449 0720

    “..our Army should never be put under the necessity of humouring and yielding irretrievable ground to the inevitable minority of malcontents or of permitting governing principles to be influenced by voices from the lunatic fringe, even those which have been elected to Congress.” S.L.A. Marshall


    • brtrain says:

      Well, I have to draw a line somewhere.

      Glad it is an interesting conference! I couldn’t make room for it on my schedule this year.

      Hi to Mike Garrambone too!

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