GF campaign: Operation Barclay, by Maurice Suckling

Today was the beginning of the crowdfunding campaign via Gamefound for Operation Barclay, Maurice Suckling’s new game on Allied deception operations in the Mediterranean 1942-43.

Very definitely a 2-player game, it includes a lot of bluffing and actual deception by players to move through an interesting deck of intelligence and counterintelligence cards and mechanisms.

I signed up as #231, the game will be over 100% funded in a few hours… [update: it was funded in less than two hours!]

Price for a single copy is 21 Euros and it is published by Salt and Pepper Games, who also published the very clever David Thompson game Resist! about guerrilla warfare in Spain after the end of the Civil War. Both games use the same artist, whose work is quite nice, and the component quality from this publisher is also good.

More on BGG:

Gamefound page (you can get a good look at the components and download the rulebook here):

I’m looking forward to this, as it is a nice excursion into the background of my alt-hist game Balkan Gamble (see also the missing parts of my Strategy and Tactics article on deception operations in the Med here: Balkan Gambit… the rest of it)

About brtrain
This blog is mostly devoted to posts, work and resources on "serious" conflict simulation games.

3 Responses to GF campaign: Operation Barclay, by Maurice Suckling

  1. Keith S says:

    Thanks Brian, enjoying Resist! so will back Operation Barclay.

    • brtrain says:

      It looks good! The campaign goes on for another month but I am not sure how long it will be before they ship the physical product.

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